Reach new customers locally and nationally with creative ad campaigns.
The truth is that most of your local area doesn't even know you exist! You can change that quickly by running social media ads.
If you've been relying on word of mouth to grow, ads give you a way to grow quicker than relying on referrals, plus, you're in complete control.
Whether you want to generate calls, website traffic, or leads, advertising gives you an opportunity to do just that!
Niche Advertising at it's finest.
The client presented an exceptional rent-to-own program tailored perfectly to the 2022 Real Estate market. By implementing imaginative advertising techniques on Facebook, we successfully generated over 500 leads, resulting in multiple transactions and an abundance of promising leads in their pipeline to foster.
The most important piece of successful advertising is the offer! If you have a terrible offer your ads will perform terribly. Great offer, great ads! We work with our clients to generate an offer that makes sense for their business and is exciting enough to get people to take action. There's a strategy behind an offer and we're here to help you walk through that process.
After developing the offer we begin the hard work of developing the ads. As great as an offer is, it needs to be backed up by persuasive ad copy, a catchy image or video, proper targeting, and strategic budget utilization. It's equal parts science and art, and we love it! When setting up ads, we'll be sure to create several versions to A/B test for best performers.
At the end of the month, we'll report on the results of the ad. While this is just a checkpoint, we'll also be in consistent contact with you during the process. Notice the leads are typically facing the same problem? We'll adjust our strategy to either weed those people out or to gather that info before they make it to you. We're always testing and optimizing our ads.
Social media advertising projects are some of our favorite projects.
The ability to expand a business through strategic targeting and compelling offers completely revolutionizes its potential.
Our main objective is to nail the perfect offer right from the beginning, and then consistently enhance and refine our strategies every month.
We put our theories to the test and let the market respond. If they prove successful, we promptly cease running the underperforming ads and go full steam ahead with the winners. Conversely, if a theory falls short, we make it a priority to return to the drawing board and make the necessary adjustments.
The prices for our social media advertising are determined based on the complexity of your campaign, the budget you have set, and the unique requirements of your industry.
We tailor our strategies and pricing to perfectly match your needs, to provide a positive return on investment for you.
To find out more about our pricing, just schedule a call and discuss your goals with us.
Emily Stenson, Fast Fixes
Taylor Johnson, Anytime Roofing
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